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Publications in conferences:

C1. Reddy, BVS Nagendra., Saxena, A., 2010, “On a Solution Procedure to Synthesize Non-smooth Path Generating Compliant Mechanisms with Self Contact” ASME Design Engineering and Technical Conferences, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Aug 15th – 18th, 2010, Volume 2: 34th Annual Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Parts A and B #DETC-29172  pp. 695-703 []


Journal Publications: 

J2. Reddy,B V S Nagendra., Naik,S K V., Saxena,A., 2012, “Systematic Synthesis of Large Displacement Contact Aided Monolithic Compliant Mechanisms” ASME-Journal of Mechanical design – January 2012-  Volume 134,  Issue 1, 011007 (12 pages)                             []

J1. Naik,S K V., Saxena,A., Rai, A.K., Reddy,BVS Nagendra., 2011 “How to Choose From a Synthesized Set of Path-Generating Mechanisms ”ASME-Journal of Mechanical design- September 2011- Volume 133,  Issue 9, 091009 (11 pages) [

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